Principal Investigator
Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, MCHES
Clarence Jones, MEd, Q Health Connections
In 2014, statistics provided by the American Cancer Society showed African American men had death rates from colorectal cancer 50% higher than White men. Thus, there was a critical need for exploring the complex, understudied factors influencing African American men’s intention to screen for colorectal cancer in Minnesota.
The goal for Colon Cancer: iPrevent. iTreat. iBeat. (IRB #1406S51151) was to explore whether male role norms, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions were associated with intention to screen for colorectal cancer (CRC). Employing a survey design and collecting data at the 2014 Minnesota State Fair, the central hypothesis was that male role norms influenced these African American men’s intentions to screen for CRC, above and beyond (i.e. independent of) their knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of subjective norms and barriers. The authors also hypothesized these men lacked adequate knowledge and espoused negative attitudes toward CRCs.
As a result of this study, the long-term goal was to utilize the findings to inform the design of health promotion and early-intervention CRC prevention programs responsive to the needs of African American men in Minnesota. The rationale that underlied the study is that it contributed to translational solutions eliminating disparities in health, cancer, and healthcare in Minnesota, moving closer to the long term goal of achieving health equity for all in the United States.
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles R. Rogers. (2016, September). Colorectal Cancer among African-American Men: A Public Health Emergency. University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control Retreat, Como Zoo, St. Paul, MN
- Rogers, C. R., Goodson, P., Dietz, L. R., & Okuyemi, K. S. (2016). Predictors of intention to obtain colorectal cancer screening among African American men in a state fair setting. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1-12. doi:0.1177/1557988316647942. PMID: 27161985
- Rogers, C. R., Goodson, P., Dietz, L.R., & Okuyemi, K.S. (2015, November). Predictors of Intention to Obtain Colorectal Cancer Screening Among African American Men in a State Fair Setting. Poster presented at Eighth American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; Atlanta, GA.
- Rogers, C. R. (2015, March 5). Preventing Colon Cancer in African Americans with Earlier Screening. Research featured on HealthTalk, the blog for the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center.
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles R. Rogers. (2015, February). Colorectal Cancer and African American Men: Do #BlackLivesMatter, Really? Family Medicine and Community Health Faculty Research Meeting, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN.
- Rogers, C. R. (2014, December 12). Minnesota should lower the recommended colon cancer screening age for African Americans. Retrieved from Community Voices section of MinnPost Newspaper Web site.
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles R. Rogers. (2014, November). Community Dialogue on the Preliminary Study Results of Colon Cancer: iPrevent. iTreat. iBeat. Community Dialogue Series, Program in Health Disparities Research (PHDR); Sabathani Community Center; Minneapolis, MN.
- Franta, G., Rogers, C. R., Mitchell, J., Foster, M.J., and Shires, D.A. (2014, August). An Investigation of Health Disparities in the Literature and the Community. Poster presentation at the 2014 Health Disparities and Cancer Research Summer Undergraduate Internship Program Poster Session; Minneapolis, MN.